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More from my friend Charlotte’s wedding in LA

I’ve already talked about my trip to LA for Charlotte’s wedding but I wanted to post a few more pictures I took at the actual wedding.  It was a good opportunity to practice my photojournalism skills because I had to take pictures from my seat during the ceremony without being able to move around. It was pretty warm out, even though it was nighttime, and Charlotte had the foresight to provide fans for everyone to take to their seats:

I thought these programs were beautifully designed and Charlotte’s color choice was great.  I especially like the printing of the traditional Hebrew love saying “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine”:

The Chuppa or Huppah (Jewish wedding alter) had really pretty flowers on vines going up the supports:

These ring bearers were soo cute!:

This little guy got behind and ran down the aisle saying “wait for me!” 🙂 :

Rick had to have been blown away when he saw his perfect bride walking towards the alter:

It is a Jewish tradition to present your ketubah (marriage contract) to the guests and Charlotte and Rick’s was an elegant hand painted one that I am sure they will put in a nice frame:

You can tell from Charlotte’s expression that her dad is telling her something along the lines of how proud he is of her and what an amazing woman she has become:

Charlotte dancing with her younger brother.  Its been so long since I’ve seen him that my memory is of him as a little kid!:

I love this picture even though it is definitely not great from a technical standpoint because I had already put away my flash and only had my camera’s popup.  This was taken at the end of the night as we were all waiting for our rides home.  Char just looks so happy!:

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