On June 12th, I covered the wedding of Elizabeth and Roberto as a second shooter for Charlotte Geary. The wedding took place in Boulder and the reception was held at the Greenbriar Inn in North Boulder. Elizabeth was a really relaxed and laid back bride and it was great being there to help capture the day in photographs. There were family and friends that had travelled all the way from South America for the wedding, which was awesome because I love interacting with people from different cultures. [singlepic id=572 w=800 h=700 float=]
Click below to see more of Elizabeth and Roberto’s wedding photographs.
There was a great group of kids at this wedding and I made sure to capture them playing around before and during the wedding. I love kids and I get a kick out of watching them do their thing.
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This little boy wanted to show me his funny face. 🙂
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Elizabeth’s nephew the ringbearer receiving some last minute encouragement before the ceremony.
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You can tell how truly happy Roberto is to be marrying Elizabeth.
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I guess all the pre-wedding playing wore out the little boy as his mom had to carry him to receive Communion.
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As soon the ceremony was over, he was right back up and I caught him looking out at us from inside the church.
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Husband and wife were greeted by a sudden downpour after their ceremony.
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That first dance is such a beautiful moment and the couple often looks like they feel that they are the only two people in the world right then.
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Grandma had a talk with her granddaughter which ended in a big hug.
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The kids were having as much fun dancing as the adults.
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The wedding had a love bird theme and small birdnests with eggs adorned the tables.
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